Summer Sundays - BAB Takeover Week June 2018

Hey guys! Today I'm going to share with you some of my favorite summer activities. Obviously summer is my favorite season, since that's my name. Summer is a great time to play. I have lots of activies that I like to do during the summer so let's get started!

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Swimming, or any water play
Swimming is a blast. If you don't have a pool, then splash around in a sprinkler or a hose. Water is a great way to beat the summer heat, plus it's fun!
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Take a hike
You can enjoy nature during the summer. On a cool day, you can take a nature walk and enjoy the flowers that bloom in the summer. You could even take a longer hike if you want.

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It's really fun to have a cookout! You can put hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill and enjoy the smoky flavor. It smells good and tastes good too. Plus, you can enjoy times with your family.

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Watch Fireworks on the 4th of July
It's traditional to enjoy fireworks on the fourth of July. It's really fun.

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It's always nice to have a bit of extra time to make crafts in the summer. Maybe you're amazing, or maybe your crafts never got past the "two-year-old" phase. Either way, it's still really fun to make crafts.

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Reading is cool! Select a few books to read during the summer. They can be new books, or old favorites.

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Listen to music
There's plenty of time to listen to music in the summer! It's really fun, and I'm sure that you can find the genre that suits you.

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Watch Movies
I love to watch movies. Whether I've never seen them before, or they're an old favorite, movies are magical to watch.

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Take a summer vacation! It's really fun to plan out a trip, even if you don't end up going anywhere. Maybe you could even just take a daytrip!

I hope you got some ideas for the summer!
What are your favorite summer activities?