Twin Tuesday - BAB Takeover Week May 2018

Hey guys! Today is the first day of May, which means it's the first day of our Takeover Week! This month, we're changing things up a bit, so make sure to check back each day as we add a totally new day! Today is Twin Tuesday, so you can probably guess who's hosting it. Teacup out.

Of course, if you didn't know, now you do.
Cherry: Welcome to the very first ever Twin Tuesday in the third BAB Takeover Week!
It will be hosted by me(Cherry) and my lovely twin, Cherie! We're super excited for today!

Cherie: Like Cherry said, we get to host Tuesday's spot in Takeover Week. We did some brainstorming and came up with...twinterviews!

Cherry: Just because you're twins, doesn't mean you act exactly alike. Cherie is MUCH quieter than I am, but we still manage to get along. Yet, people often mistake us for each other. Today, we are going to prove that even twins have differences by taking a simple quiz written by the lovely Aunt Bella. She came up with all of the questions and we will answer them, proving that we aren't exactly the same.

Cherie: Cherry?

Cherry: Yeah?

Cherie: Can we each write in colors? I'm a bit tired of typing my name before everything I say.

Cherry: Yes! Me too, I don't have that kind of time. I'll write in pink, and you can write in purple!


Alright, the questions will be in black, so let's get started!

1. What is your favorite color?

Light pink all the way.

I like purple.

2. Favorite food?

Anything with a lot of sugar, quite honestly.

I really like macaroni and cheese.

3. Who's your best friend?

Totally Cherie.


4. What's the best part of blogging?

I like getting to talk and be featured on this here blog.

I think I like to read other blogs best.

5. What are your hobbies?

So many! Dancing, bouncing, eating, watching t.v., playing, running, swimming, singing, jumping, talking, to name a few.

Like Cherry, I have a bunch, but I mainly like reading and writing.

6. Describe your twin using one word.


Bubbly. If I may ask, why exactly are you describing me as cake?

Because that was the first word that came to my mind, and I blurted it out. I didn't want to sound stupid trying to change it.

7. What's your favorite subject in school?

Ugh, do we seriously have to talk about this? I'd much rather play. I suppose that I like it when Mommy gives us a little break around lunch where we eat and play for a little bit. Does that count?

I like reading.

8. What's your favorite part of having a twin?

Easy! I always like getting to blame Cherie for things. It means I don't have to get punished as much.

Hehe, sometimes we get into trouble pretending to be each other. It almost never works, but it's fun to try.

9. Favorite animal?

A little doggy!

I actually have to agree with Cherry on this one. I was a bit afraid of dogs for a while, but then we got one and I'm not afraid of him.

10. Favorite Pixar movie?

Toy Story!

Inside out.

11. Favorite Disney Princess?

Anna from Frozen!

I like Rapunzel.

12. Best place to vacation?

Disney World! The world, as we call it.

We do go to Disney World a lot. However, I also liked it when we went on our cruise.

13. Favorite season?


I prefer fall or winter.

14. Favorite holiday?


I've always like Halloween. We have an elaborate fashion show in our household. It takes up the whole month of October!

15. Morning or night?

Morning! The sun's coming out and the world is waking up. That means I get to play!

I've always preferred nighttime. I like the rare quiet in our house.

So did you like to compare and contrast our answers? We liked answering them.

It's kind of surprising how different we really are. Even if we couldn't agree on anything, I'd always love you Cherry,

Me too! Stone twins out.