The List - A Late Intro of the BABs

This post is *very* long overdue. When I started this blog, I wanted to make a post and a page where I introduced all of my BABs. Well over a year later, here we are! I have yet to introduce all of my BABs. I have...a lot. Well, let's get started!

I could write a bit about their personalities, but since there are so many, I'm just going to write their names.

1. Brownie

2. Cinnamon

3. Holly

4. Hal

5. Snuggly

6. Starburst

7. Velvety

8. Lil Choc

9. Patrioticy

10. Daisy

11. Goldie

12. Swirl

13. Bella

14. Cokie

15. Rainbow Dash

16. Twilight

17. Spike

18. Peri

19. Fluttershy

20. Golden

21. Pinkie

22. Pumpkin

23. Rarity

24. Treasure

25. Apple Jack

26. Summer

27. Rudolph

28. Clarice

29. Eden

30. Teacup

31. Chip

32. Sandy

33. Cherie

34. Cherry

35. Cadance

36. Gracie


(I lost her, so I used an old photo)
37. Apple Blossom

38. Emma

39. Candy

40. Berry

41. Dreamy

42. Jingles

43. Wicket

44. Rudy

45. Claire

46. Cloud

(Again, I used an old photo)
47. Petal

48. Stitch

49. Shining Armor

50. Angel

51. Cali

52. Willow

53. Isabel

54. Baymax

These are just two Build a Bears that we have. They probably won't be seen much on the blog.

Then, I decided to take a few group photos. I was surprised they were able to turn out.

Aren't they cute? I'm proud of this picture because I was able to fit them all. I have a ton of BABs. *hides*

What did you think of these photos? How many BABs (or stuffed animals) do you have?