Marvelous Mondays with Eden - March 2018

Hello! Eden would like to share some things about herself today! Eden gets to post about whatever she likes for Marvelous Mondays, so today will be all about Eden!

10 facts about Eden
  1. Eden likes to refer to herself in third person
  2. Eden's birthday is April 6th
  3. Eden looks a lot like Berry, they are both light blue bunnies
  4. Eden loves winter
  5. Eden has snowflakes all over her, so she loves snow.
  6. Eden's favorite colors are light blue and light purple
  7. Eden is BAB number 29
  8. Eden used to have a stuffed bunny that looked like her named Sapphire
  9. Eden likes to ski and ice skate
  10. Eden has run out of things to say about herself!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so Eden took a few selfies that she would like to share.

I hope you liked to learn all about Eden!

Hearts, EDEN